Restricted Countries

Access to the X10 Protocol website and services (defined by the Terms of Use) is not available to individuals or entities residing in, citizens of, located in, incorporated in, or with a registered office in one of the Restricted Territories defined in X10's Terms of Use.

Users attempting to access the X10 Protocol domain from a Restricted Territory will immediately be presented with a prompt directing them to the Terms of Use and blocking their access to the website and services.

The current list of Restricted Territories includes:

  • Belarus

  • Canada

  • Cuba

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Iran

  • Myanmar

  • North Korea

  • Russia

  • Singapore

  • Syria

  • Ukraine (Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk Regions)

  • United Kingdom

  • United States of America

  • Zimbabwe

This page will be regularly updated with the latest list of restricted territories.

Please refer to the Terms of Use for further details regarding access to the X10 Protocol.

Last updated