Closed Mainnet Access

Access to the Closed Mainnet opened on August 5th at 11:00 AM UTC.

Who Gets Access?

  • Access has been granted to all Testnet users.

  • If you didn't participate in the Testnet, you can still gain access by obtaining a referral code. You can request one in the #cm-invites channel on our Discord server. Each referral Code can only be used once.

  • Follow our official channels for more announcements on how to potentially get an invite code: Twitter, Discord, Telegram.

Why Join the Closed Mainnet?

  • Participate in the Closed Mainnet Rewards Program by trading, earning, and sharing invite codes.

  • Additionally, other exclusive benefits for Closed Mainnet users have been prepared and will be announced separately.

How Can I Get and Share an Invite Code?

  • Once you've logged into the Closed Mainnet, start trading to unlock invite codes. During the Closed Mainnet, you can earn up to 7 invite codes:

    • With $10,000 traded volume, you unlock 1 invite code.

    • With $100,000 traded volume, you unlock 1 more invite code.

    • With $500,000 traded volume, you unlock 5 additional invite codes.

  • You can find your referral codes in the "Refer" section under "Rewards" in the top navigation menu.

  • Share these codes with others in the #cm-invites channel on our Discord server.

Last updated